The first-ever Square Enix Presents broadcast arrived early this morning, showing off a raft of new games from one of the world’s most beloved third-party publishers. Before you get too excited: there were no Final Fantasy announcements to be found. Indeed, the show ran surprisingly low on the JRPG’s that are Square’s bread and butter. However, there was plenty of games and new content from its western studios to talk about.
Square also announced that the Square Enix Presents broadcast will return later in the year with another update. Hold out until then, FF fans.
Check out the full list below for everything announced at today’s Square Enix Presents.
Forespoken (formerly Project Athia)
Source: Square Enix
Avengers: Black Panther: War for Wakanda
Source: Xbox
Life is Strange: True Colors
Source: Life is Strange
Life is Strange Remastered Collection
Source: Life is Strange
Source: Xbox
Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor Trilogy
Source: Tomb Raider
Just Cause Mobile
Source: Just Cause
Project Hitman Sniper Assassins
Source: GameTrailers
Space Invaders AR
Source: VR Trailers
Balan Wonderland
Source: PlayStation
And that’s everything from the show! Let us know what you liked and what you didn’t on our Facebook and Twitter!
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