The cash-and-shares deal would create a 20,000-mile rail network, the first that would connect Canada, the United States and Mexico
A train is seen along the tracks in Ogden. Canadian Pacific Railway has agreed to buy Kansas City Southern for US$25 billion. Sunday, March 21, 2021.Photo by Brendan Miller/Postmedia
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Canadian Pacifics historic US$25-billion purchase of U.S. railway Kansas City Southern on Sunday will not result in job losses in Calgary, the companys CEO said.
The impact to Calgary is going to be nothing but positive. Theres certainly no plans for consolidation, CP president and CEO Keith Creel told Postmedia.
Calgary is and will remain a world headquarters and our corporate office. Weve been there since 1996. Weve been committed to the city and its people. This strengthens the company and deepens that resolve and commitment.
The cash-and-shares deal would create a 32,000-kilometre rail network, the first that would connect Canada, the United States and Mexico. It ranks as the largest merger and acquisition of 2021 to date.
CPs rail network would expand to include Kansas City Southerns connections through the American Midwest, to ports along the Gulf of Mexico and into Mexico.
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The deal comes in the wake of the new Canada-U.S.-Mexico trade pact, which took effect last July. Creel said the move offers supply chain assurance, something especially vital through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Youve got a single-line opportunity to originate a move that comes from Alberta and goes all the way to Mexico City or Monterrey. Thats compelling, he said.
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Theres a multitude of benefits across businesses that Canadian producers will be able to realize from the unique opportunity this combination creates that, frankly, didnt exist before.
CP Rail facility in Ogden. Canadian Pacific Railway has agreed to buy Kansas City Southern for US$25 billion. Sunday, March 21, 2021.Photo by Brendan Miller/Postmedia
The deal comes two months after U.S. President Joe Biden cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline on his first day in office.
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Crude oil movement did not drive the transaction, however, Creel said, with the sector only comprising about five per cent of CPs business. But he added connections to Hardisty in Alberta, where the existing Keystone XL pipeline begins, enable more crude-by-rail opportunities.
With a market value of $50.6 billion, CP is Canadas No. 2 railroad operator, behind Canadian National Railway.
Its biggest revenue driver is grain haulage, accounting for about 24 per cent of total freight revenue in 2020.
Alberta Premier Jason Kenney posted reaction to the deal on Twitter, saying he had spoken with CP about the transaction.
He praised the deal, saying it made Calgary the global headquarters of the only fully integrated continental railway in North America.
The combined rail network will give CP direct access to the U.S. Gulf Coast and beyond, allowing it seamlessly to transport Alberta energy directly to Gulf Coast refineries, improving the economics of crude by rail, Kenney said.
If approved, this transaction will be good news for Albertas economy, expanding one of our largest employers while increasing shipping access to our largest export customers.
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1/ Big news: one of the largest ever foreign corporate acquisitions by a Canadian company.
I have been briefed by @CanadianPacific on its USD $29 billion purchase of Kansas City Southern.
The headquarters of the combined company will remain in Calgary.
Jason Kenney (@jkenney) March 21, 2021
Scott Crockatt, a vice-president with the Business Council of Alberta, said the initial reaction from Albertas business community was overwhelmingly positive.
Theres talk about jobs and investment growth in the future, and theres every reason to believe that a considerable portion of that will be accrued to the places with head offices, Crockatt said.
From a trade and export perspective, I think this is potentially huge. As long as Alberta has been around, market access and getting our various products to market has been one of our primary challenges. Having the first rail line that connects Canada, the U.S. and Mexico be owned by a Calgary company, I see that as only positive.
The deal has yet to be approved by relevant regulatory agencies. Previous foreign acquisitions by Canadian rail companies have faced opposition in the United States, including a bid by CN to buy Warren Buffett-owned Burlington Northern Santa Fe, which was blocked by U.S. antitrust authorities in 1999-2000.
Creel, who will continue to serve as CEO of the combined company, said this transaction is different from previous ones that failed.
Its all about pro-service and pro-competition if youre going to do a consolidation. This situation is unique in that it addresses both areas, he said.
End-to-end, theres no overlap. We dont compete head-to-head, so its literally a hand-in-glove connection to Kansas City, where we co-own and operate a terminal already.
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A train is seen along the tracks in Ogden. Canadian Pacific Railway has agreed to buy Kansas City Southern for US$25 billion. Sunday, March 21, 2021.Photo by Brendan Miller/Postmedia
The massive merger is the third such deal involving a Calgary company in the past five months.
In October, Cenovus Energy announced it would buy Husky Energy in an all-stock transaction valued at $23.6 billion.
And last week, Rogers Communications completed a $20-billion purchase of Shaw Communications, slated to produce 1,800 net new jobs in the province.
Three mergers . . . (involving companies) all headquartered in Calgary, is really interesting, Crockatt said. Whats also interesting to me is it is in three distinctly different industries: rail, communications, and oil and gas.
It underscores that our companies are in this constant, global competition for investment and jobs and head offices.
With files from Reuters
Twitter: @jasonfherring
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