Singapore A woman who urgently wanted to catch a travel flight was reported to offer $1,000 to someone to queue her spot for the Sinovac immunisation at a medical clinic along Tampines Street 91.
She attempted to secure various appointments at eight different clinics providing the Sinovac vaccine but sadly failed, while one clinic informed her that it would take her situation into consideration and requested her to wait for them to call, according to the Shin Min Daily News on a Wednesday, Jun 23.
Despite others advising her to join the queue from 2 a.m., she stated: I have to attend classes, I really dont have the time to do this.”
The woman went on to say that she had registered for both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines but she was yet to get a time slot, and she was also in a hurry to return to Australia for personal matters.
After receiving no response for her initial $300 offer to the crowd standing in the queue, she raised the sum up to $1,000 and eventually finally found someone who was ready to queue on her behalf. The woman, who did not want to be identified, stated that she is currently waiting for a reply from the clinic.
Likewise, as reported by various media sources, hundreds of individuals went to various private clinics around the island this week to schedule appointments for Sinovac vaccines.
This follows the Ministry of Health’s statement on Jun 16 that 24 private clinics had been approved to give Sinovac vaccinations.
Divyanshi Singh is an intern at The Independent SG /TISC
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