Vice President Mike Pence has called upon supporters to back him and Donald Trump to “defend the Election results,” though has stopped shy at reiterating the president’s claims centered around fraud and premature victory.
Since Trump’s initial premature victory declaration and calls of foul play, Pence’s tone has been more conservative in nature—having suggested they were “on the road” to a win, though stopping short of declaring a win.
In a speech Thursday, Trump continued such claims suggesting without evidence the election was somehow being stolen by Democrats.
Pence, in a campaign email to supporters calling upon donations to its “Official Election Defense Fund,” said: “Thank you to the more than 60 MILLION Americans who cast their vote for four more years of President Donald J. Trump.
“While the votes continue to be counted, we’re going to remain vigilant. As the President said, the right to vote has been at the center of our Democracy since the founding of this great Nation.”
His comments were more reserved in tone to a similar plea for donations from Trump directly.
“Just like I predicted from the start, mail-in ballots are leading to CHAOS like you’ve never seen, plain and simple! The Radical Left is going to do whatever it takes to try and rip a TRUMP-PENCE VICTORY away from you, and that’s why I’m coming to you now,” he wrote in a separate email.
“I need YOUR HELP to ensure we have the resources to protect the results. We can’t allow the Left-wing MOB to undermine our Election. I’m asking my fiercest and most loyal defenders, like YOU, to FIGHT BACK!”
While they have offered contrasting public statements, Pence tweeted on Thursday: “I Stand With President @realDonaldTrump.”
He added: “We must count every LEGAL vote.”
Trump in a speech Thursday rallied against “illegal votes” amid his unsubstantiated claims of a stolen election.
Friday morning he continue these defiant claims, suggesting based upon votes he brands to be legal he has won and again stating the Supreme Court should become involved in the situation.
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It comes amid legal challenges from the Trump campaign to stop counts in several states, as well as a demand for a recount in Wisconsin.
According to the Associated Press’ calls, Biden could be just one state away from Electoral College victory, with its tally placing him on 264 Electoral College votes. However, Arizona’s call, worth 11 Electoral College votes, has been disputed. Several states are still yet to be called, with both Biden and Trump having paths to victory—though Biden looking to have more likely routes to the 270 Electoral College votes necessary to win.
Newsweek has contacted the Trump campaign for comment.